Tag Archives: language hacking
Screen shot 2013-04-03 at 12.06.22 AM

French Language Hacking IV

This is the last video in my French language hacking series. It’s been an incredible month here in Quebec seeing the province and learning French. Overall, I would say that my conversation level improved to be on par with my Spanish, which isn’t that great. In fact, I have more trouble understanding French speakers than […]

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French Hacking III – Montreal

Once again, I’ve learned that I should probably exercise more. When I was in Montreal this week, I hiked to the top of Mt. Royal. It’s an easy hike, but I was clearly winded by the middle of it. Despite my difficulty, I made it to the top in about 20 minutes. As far as […]

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French Hacking II – Toronto

I just got back last night from five days in Toronto. Mainly, I was there for my class to teach English, but I also was able to go to the observation booth of the CN Tower. It’s the tallest free-standing structure in the Western hemisphere. An employee said they have more than a thousand people […]

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French Hacking I

I am starting another round of language hacking. This time, I am spending a month learning French. I recorded this video a week ago in Trois-Rivières after spending about a week practicing speaking French with my friend and her family. The constant immersion is helpful to learn the language, and it also helps that few […]

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Spanish Language Hacking – Recap

The last 30 days I attempted to speak only in Spanish. I failed after five days, but I still had a long conversation in Spanish with someone each day. I’m nowhere close to being fluent, but I still made a lot of progress from being only able to say “¡Hola!” “¡Adios!” and “Sí” three months […]

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