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O Canada! Why I’m Going to the Great White North

For those of you who don’t know, I’m heading to Canada in two days. This is my first time visiting the American neighbor to the north, and I’m excited to finally get a taste of winter (although in my defense, it gets cold at night in Guatemala). I had originally debated going back to the […]

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I discovered my name on a tree in Caye Caulker, Belize.

New Year’s Travel Resolutions

One of my missions on this blog is to inspire people to travel, and I think that’s fairly easy to achieve no matter what your finances. Here are some easy New Year’s travel resolutions to make. 1.     Go some place you’ve never been It can be tough to jump into the unknown, but it’s completely […]

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Wichita - Pre-Trip

Coming back home

I have to say that it feels quite weird to be back home after seven weeks on the road. The time has certainly been a whirlwind full of adventure, great people, haggling and life lessons. The bloggers I subscribe to say that travel teaches people about themselves. This can’t be more spot on. My nerves […]

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It’s official

It’s official. There’s no more talking about planning for me; I’m actually getting ready to do what I’ve been planning for the last 11 months: travel. This week, I gave my notice at work. That means I leave Louisville on September 1. After that, I plan to go home to Kansas for a few weeks […]

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Why I’m Traveling

Welcome. This is the first post of (also the first blog I’m taking seriously). My name is Ryan, and I left a career in television news to travel the world. When I tell most people this story, many are supportive. Others give me the crazy eyes and ask, “Why?” I say why not. The […]

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