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San Pedro La Laguna Guide

I spent an entire month upon the shores of Lago Atitlán. Two of those weeks were in the lake’s party center, San Pedro La Laguna. A town of 9,000 people, there should be plenty of things for you to do while you stay in this Guatemalan city. Lodging  Hostel Miguel Bed and Breakfast – This […]

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View from next to the tram station

Getting Better Views of the Skyline in Hong Kong

One of the most memorable things you can do in Hong Kong is head to Victoria Peak to see the city skyline. But what most people don’t tell you is that you don’t need to go to the Sky Lodge to check out the views. There are cheaper or free alternatives all around the peak; […]

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Romance can strike at any moment while traveling. Just be courteous and get a private room if things escalate.

Sex in a Dorm … Not Cool

Disclaimer: The following article contains foul language.  Who knew that I would almost get into a fight over sex? And I wasn’t even participating. Let’s be clear. I’m not advocating for any particular philosophy regarding sex, making love, hooking up, whatever your preference. Sex is different for every person, but I’m certain single travelers who […]

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The Killing Fields of Choeung Ek

I have never been moved so much. After I spent more than an hour listening to the commentary about the genocide that killed between 1.2 to 3.4 million people between 1975 and 1979, my eyes began to tear. As an American, I only briefly learned about what happened in Cambodia when I was in middle […]

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The Cat Lady of Caye Caulker, Belize

Beyond the sounds of the waves and the beat of the reggae music on Caye Caulker, you might also hear a “meow,” or maybe 86 of them. This side of the island is home to P.A.W.’s, run by Madi Collins. She started the animal sanctuary after returning home from the United States. One day in […]

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