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Traveler’s Diarrhea and How to Handle It

Let’s face it. This is a disgusting topic, but more than likely if you travel to a developing country, you’re going to have a few bouts with traveler’s diarrhea or other intestinal bugs. Prevention – Visit a travel clinic before you travel – In my case, the doctor wrote me a prescription that I could […]

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Spanish Language Hacking – Recap

The last 30 days I attempted to speak only in Spanish. I failed after five days, but I still had a long conversation in Spanish with someone each day. I’m nowhere close to being fluent, but I still made a lot of progress from being only able to say “¡Hola!” “¡Adios!” and “Sí” three months […]

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Street art is common to find in Zone 1 of Guatemala City.

Why You Need to Man Up and Visit Guatemala City

The traveling community doesn’t have a great opinion of Guatemala City. In fact, I hear the main reason not to go visit the city is because it’s “dangerous.” While I recognize that there are problems, I think they’re greatly exaggerated. I’ve had some of the most fun in Guatemala here in the capital. Imagine the […]

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Central Park - Guatemala City

Spanish Language Hacking V – Guatemala City

There are only two days left of my experiment where I speak only in Spanish. It’s been easier to communicate in the language in Guatemala City. Few tourists come here, and while a few locals speak English, there aren’t many. That’s made it fun to go out here at night and practice conversations beyond the […]

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Spanish Language Hacking IV – Monterrico

For eight days, I hung out on the beach at Monterrico, Guatemala. Aside from the mosquitoes, my time was extremely pleasant. I swam in the ocean every day, played volleyball and frisbee, or hung out at the hostel and practiced ping-pong and darts. However, I am finding that because I’m staying in touristy places like […]

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